As a Conor Mc Gregor fan I am disappointed in him for his latest disregard for road safety, he clearly is learning nothing from past convictions. Criticisms are inevitable that we are all only complaining about him because he is a well known personality and why not say the same about the many others who do such things daily. Well the difference is what Mc Gregor does, like it or not gets coverage and is copied by his legions of fans.
In this latest incident it is not only disregard being shown to road users and indeed to his own safety, but it is a flagrant show of contempt to the garadai and all of us involved in road safety campaigning too, as well as those who are recovering from been in collisions on the roads, those bereaved through road deaths and the emergency services and so many others who are left to deal with these tragedies.
The onus is now obviously on the gardai to act on this.
Conor clearly had no qualms about publishing himself breaking the law, endangering himself and others in the process.
I wish people would get it together on road safety, it is not a sexy subject and wins no accolades, believe me, but it is vital that we continue to call out such behaviour.
I do not wish to over personalise this but Mc Gregor is a devoted father and a great sportsman indeed business man who has shown in recent times his willingness to put his money up to help the country, with his help towards personal protection equipment at early point of Covid_19 hitting these shores. But he needs to cop on and up his game here. I would love to see him get involved in campaigning for road safety, slaps on the wrists are the norm in this country for dangerous and or negligent conduct on the roads, no matter how serious the it might be good to see those who offend having to meet people like myself or those who work in the field directly to hear the reality of any disregard for ones safety and safety of others while on the roads, especially driving where obviously the odds of killing or injuring someone are much higher.
As for the offence itself here, the using of a mobile phone while driving certainly is a growing concern.
In general there are ways of proving when a text or a call was in process more or less currently, in the aftermath of a crash, I think we need to be mindful of the fact that scrolling is extremely prevalent and just as distracting indeed I feel it is even more distracting, looking down Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, scrolling away , this is crazy behaviour.
Nobody is immune from crashes and no expensive car or designer watch or any amount of Instagram followers will prevent a crash.
The message is not only to Conor Mc Gregor and his fans but to all of us, we have to stop been complacent in our driving, cycling, walking whatever, we must not let our love of social media and connecting with people, cloud our common sense on the roads. The consequences can be a lot more than a telling off from the Gardai or someone like me complaining, the consequences can be fatal.
I feel privileged to be involved in Leading Lights RSA initiative which thankfully shows that many around the country, especially young people, are trying to make a creative and real difference in protecting us all on the roads, I wish the likes of Conor Mc Gregor had even a little of their gumption.