Wednesday, 19 April 2023

GDPR and RSA and #RoadSafety

There aren't words to describe how much it would help if RSA and similar bodies revealed appropriate details on collisions. It's difficult to fathom how it currently doesn't. 

We must address the carnage on our roads in a robust way, all of us. There can be no hiding behind gdpr or the like where the common good is concerned.

Donna Fox was my sister, she was a fatal statistic in 2016. The ninth of the ten cyclists killed. One out of the  188 who were killed on our roads that year.

Donna was killed in an unprotected cycle lane on her way to work. A painted line since altered thankfully.

A lorry driver hit and killed her sadly. Since then I've met countless men and women who have lost loved ones, but I'm possibly more passionate about those who survive with bad injuries... They need a voice. Life altering injuries, even milder ones, destroy and change lives. 

This must be addressed. 

If GDPR is an obstacle to saving lives we must as a country look at it. We can't sleep walk here.

Serious injuries destroy lives effect our economy and hamper family life all over our country, absolutely anything that can contribute to addressing this is a must.
I'm a huge supporter of RSA on a personal level and also professionally but we must look at GDPR. If it negatively affects road safety and the information and action upon it which will save lives and reduce and hopefully eliminate injuries and fatalities, the RSA , our government and the dept of Transport and Justice must pull their heads together and do something.

I like all road victims and their loved ones support all investigation into this and into how things can be improved. Statistics seem cold but when unrevealed it's worse. We must have statistics and information to protect lives on our roads, to learn best practice, to educate and to figure the best way forward. I support any endeavor to improve this. 

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